Our Community Cares spotlights Houston Insurance and Real Estate!
Houston Insurance and Real Estate is a small, family-owned business spanning four generations and has truly weathered both good and bad times since 1894. Ironically, founder, John J. Houston, passed away of the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic, and co-owners Robyn Houston Bean and Marci McDonough, are both amazed and humbled by this connection. The office has been impacted by the “ripple effect” of the downturned economy; however, they remain open, relying on email, phone and fax to preform most transactions. They are working hard with clients to help manage payments, review policies, adapt insurance coverage and give quotes as needed.
Robyn and Marci are also the founders of The Sun Will Rise Foundation, Inc., formed in honor of Robyn’s son Nick, who passed away due to substance use in 2015. The foundation provides much needed support for families regarding these issues. Since the pandemic began, they have moved their support groups to weekly zoom meetings, so that people would not feel alone in their grief. They also provided Easter Baskets to 100 foster children and 80 gift bags to women living in sober housing as a reminder that “you matter and you are not forgotten.” Additionally, they continue to sponsor people leaving treatment and entering sober living. Unfortunately, with Covid-19 restrictions still in place, Robyn and Marci are concerned that their annual fundraiser, The Beanstock Music Festival, is in jeopardy, which could severely impact the foundations mission.
Small family owned businesses and foundations are what makes our communities thrive. We need to remember to support them! For more information on how Houston Insurance and Real Estate can assist you please call (781) 849-8080or email them at info@houstoninsurance. To donate and learn more about the amazing work done by the The Sun Will Rise Foundation please go to sunwillrise.org.
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